Courses > $name ($code) > Lab Reports
Faculty: $faculty | Year: $academic | Lecturer: $lecturer
"; } else { $ta_name = ""; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($ta_result)) { $ta_name = $ta_name.$row['Full_Name']." "; } $ta_name = trim ($ta_name); echo "
Courses > $name ($code) > Lab Reports
Faculty: $faculty | Year: $academic | Lecturer: $lecturer | Teaching Assistant: $ta_name
"; } } } } ?>
'; $_SESSION['info_general']=null; } if (isset($_SESSION['info_courses'])) { echo '
'; $_SESSION['info_courses']=null; } ?>

Class Groups

Create Group"; ?>
Invite Others"; if($status=="Invited") { $extra2=" Accept"; $extra3=" Decline"; } # Add "delete group" button and allow only group creator to delete it $extra4 = ""; echo "
$name ($status) $extra $extra2 $extra3" . (($status == "Created")? "$extra4": "") ."
"; $rs2=mysqli_query($con,"SELECT `ID`, `Course_Group_id`, course_group_members_table.Student_ID, course_group_members_table.`Status`,users_table.Full_Name FROM `course_group_members_table` INNER JOIN users_table on users_table.Student_ID=course_group_members_table.Student_ID where course_group_members_table.Course_Group_id=$id"); #Check whether the current user in session is the creator of the group $rs3 = mysqli_query($con, "SELECT `Status` from course_group_members_table where Student_ID = $student_id"); $flag = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs3)['Status'] == "Created"; while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs2)) { $name=$row['Full_Name']; $id=$row['Course_Group_id']; $status=$row['Status']; $Student_ID=$row['Student_ID']; #Show group members + remove button next to each member except the creator of the group if($flag){ echo "
  • $name-$Student_ID ($status)".(($status != "Created")?"":"")."
  • "; }else{ echo "
  • $name-$Student_ID ($status)"; } } } } ?>